TestBash Germany, aka #OktoberTest, is returning to Munich for a conference day on 14th September and an Open Space day on 15th September. I have a ticket to give away for both days, to one lucky person. You can view the schedule of talks here. How to Enter To enter, […]
Tag: Testing

SBTM in Practice with PQIP
Last year, I wrote about my first experience with SBTM, in collaboration with Mike Talks. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to use SBTM in the “real world”, on a client project that I was on for about six months. I’d like to reflect on that experience, and consider some of my learnings, […]

Neurodiversity and My Problem with WIP Limits for Creative Work
On a recent project with a client, I helped the development team to implement a work in progress (WIP) limit. As the team got used to working towards finishing things before starting to work on new user stories, there was a noticeable improvement in the flow and pace of stories that were ready to […]

I Downloaded My Facebook Data – Here’s What I Found
There have been many discussions lately around the “breach, not hack” of Facebook user data, specifically in light of how Cambridge Analytica may or may not have used it to influence elections around the world. Did users naively grant permission for their data to be shared? Was it outright taken without consent? Did […]

2 Years in Testing: Then and Now
Last year, I wrote about my experiences after one year in testing. I’ve decided to try and make it a bit of a tradition, so I can give people a bit of insight into my experiences and how things are changing, but mostly for myself so I can look back on my own challenges […]