While trying to construct a test strategy for a difficult project, I was recently given this advice: “Don’t test thoroughly”. The droning siren already in the back of my mind loudened to a shrill alarm bell that it made it hard to concentrate. Don’t test thoroughly? Why do you hate me? […]
Tag: Exploratory Testing

Why I Don’t Report Bugs
Be still, your beating heart. I’m a tester, of course I report bugs. But what about when I’m not being a tester, and I’m just a normal user? I can only remember four occasions when I’ve reported bugs to the people that could actually do anything about it, but I actually find […]

Tester’s First TestBash
TL; DR: TestBash Manchester was amazing! I’d highly recommend going and / or sending your team there. The talks and the people were well worth it and even better than I thought they would be. This post has two main purposes: I want to try and deepen the learning from a great conference […]
Thoughts on TDD
A colleague recently asked me what my thoughts are on TDD, so I thought I’d spend some time writing up my ramblings to share with you. Expect it to be pretty unpolished, try not to judge me too much for it =] TL;DR: Some of it’s good, some of it isn’t. Shock! TDD – […]