Yes, you read that right. CRAIC SOURCERERS. As in, “what’s the craic”? It’s a mnemonic I came up with while trying to think of ways to help people test like a tester – like this tester, at least. Whether you’re preparing for your resident testing specialist to be out of office, wondering how […]
Tag: Experimentation

The Five “I”s of Great Testing
What makes a great tester? A few discussions I’ve seen lately have gotten me thinking about this: What do testers do? How does an ISTQB-following tester compare to an “Agile” or “modern” tester? Is it a tester’s job to decide the severity and / or priority of a bug? Why do people use […]

Sorry, Troy, HTTPS is NOT Easy!
Bad news, everyone. Troy Hunt lied to us! …Kind of, sort of… Okay, maybe not really. This post is about the difficulties I had when moving my website from HTTP to HTTPS. For anyone who might not know, Troy Hunt is behind a lot of security resources, including which allows […]

How to Manage Your Fucks (and Other Coping Mechanisms)
This post is a follow-up to my TestBash Manchester 2018 Open Space session on mental health and how people try to manage theirs. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck Like many others, I have ups and downs in my mental health. I had a particularly low “down” period a few […]

Verification as Code
I recently listened to a talk by Matt Long on Why We Should Test Programmable Infrastructure. You can watch a version of it on the MoT Dojo. During the talk, he used the phrase “infrastructure as code”, which you may have heard before. Wikipedia describes “infrastructure as code” as: “the process of managing […]