Yes, you read that right. CRAIC SOURCERERS. As in, “what’s the craic”? It’s a mnemonic I came up with while trying to think of ways to help people test like a tester – like this tester, at least. Whether you’re preparing for your resident testing specialist to be out of office, wondering how […]
Tag: Agile

Onboarding Tips for Testers
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know you’ll know that I like to write about things that will not only help future me, but other people as well. Having recently started a new role, I’d like to take note of some things that I’ve done as part of my […]

Tester vs Quality Engineer: Which One Are You?
What’s in a name? When it comes to job titles, names can mean a lot. Some top things job titles can influence include: How others see you How people treat you How much authority people assign to you What people expect of you What you expect of yourself Some situations when a […]

Documentation: Low Tech Testing Dashboard
When starting on a new project, it’s very common for me to be the first and / or only tester. I find myself frequently wanting to document the same things, rewriting them from scratch. To help with this, I’ve decided to include some of this documentation on my own blog, so I no longer […]

Documentation: Quality Engineer Role FAQs
When starting on a new project, it’s very common for me to be the first and / or only tester. I find myself frequently wanting to document the same things, rewriting them from scratch. To help with this, I’ve decided to include some of this documentation on my own blog, so I no longer […]