The 2016 CodeCrafConf took place in Glasgow today, and I ran a guided conversation called “Quality Time” – a session on quality and testing where the attendees contribute to the discussion, as opposed to one person speaking. I wanted to do a very quick round-up of some of the things discussed, as the way the […]

Keep High Standards High
I disappointed myself today. After finishing up with what should have been the final test build before release, I made the decision to keep a small bug in the release build to avoid my colleague having to do another (manual) build to revert the changes that caused it. Yup, this was a new […]
Thoughts on TDD
A colleague recently asked me what my thoughts are on TDD, so I thought I’d spend some time writing up my ramblings to share with you. Expect it to be pretty unpolished, try not to judge me too much for it =] TL;DR: Some of it’s good, some of it isn’t. Shock! TDD – […]

MVP: Images Examined
One of the first discussions that caught my interest when I joined the Twitter testing community in April was around MVP. I’d seen a few people comment on the image below, that you’ve probably seen before, despairing that it’s still in circulation and being widely used as a visual aid to explain MVP. […]
Starting Stuff is Hard
So, I know what you’re thinking. You’ve read the title of my first personal blog post and you can already tell I’m a literary genius! Ahem. Seriously though, starting stuff is hard! And I think that’s something most people (please say it wasn’t just me?!) underestimate when they first have an idea to do something. […]