What’s in a team? We’ve all heard about testers and developers being placed in different teams (or silos), as opposed to having both roles and skillsets in the same team. But what about testers placed in the client-facing team? Being part of the team that deals with client onboarding, training and support, whilst […]
Category: Productivity

Why I Don’t Report Bugs
Be still, your beating heart. I’m a tester, of course I report bugs. But what about when I’m not being a tester, and I’m just a normal user? I can only remember four occasions when I’ve reported bugs to the people that could actually do anything about it, but I actually find […]

Communicative Illusions – The Testing Community’s Affliction
TL;DR: Why do testers keep falling out with one another? Perhaps because of communicate illusions. A communicative illusion is like an optical illusion – a fixed thing that appears to change, be multiple things, or be something completely different. They are influenced by the actual words we use and how we use them, […]
Starting Stuff is Hard
So, I know what you’re thinking. You’ve read the title of my first personal blog post and you can already tell I’m a literary genius! Ahem. Seriously though, starting stuff is hard! And I think that’s something most people (please say it wasn’t just me?!) underestimate when they first have an idea to do something. […]