Originally posted on the CrossBrowserTesting blog in 2017. Before becoming a tester, I worked in IT recruitment. I recruited for a variety of roles, ranging from Marketing Analyst to Category Manager to Head of Analytics. Time and time again, hiring managers would tell me they were looking for one key thing from candidates: […]
Category: Personal Development

5 Years in Testing: Then and Now
“Who knows what that’ll be next year, but if it’s anything like this one, it’ll be good.” Hmm. I think we all had a hard time predicting how 2020 would turn out. While I count myself lucky that it wasn’t exactly bad for me, personally, it certainly didn’t turn out the way I […]

4 Years in Testing: Then and Now
It’s strange to think that I’ve been professionally testing for four years already. Time seems to fly by so quickly, and it’s time again to reflect on what’s happened in the last year. Balance and Priorities As ever, I’m still working on how to strike the right balance between all the […]

Beyond Bugs: Testing IRL Part 4
This is part four (the final part) in a mini-series – Testing in Real Life – that aims to share practical information about testing, based on real life examples. It’s born from the observation that a lot of resources I’ve seen appear to concentrate mostly on theory, or how to advance existing experience, but […]

Sorry, Troy, HTTPS is NOT Easy!
Bad news, everyone. Troy Hunt lied to us! …Kind of, sort of… Okay, maybe not really. This post is about the difficulties I had when moving my website from HTTP to HTTPS. For anyone who might not know, Troy Hunt is behind a lot of security resources, including haveibeenpwned.com which allows […]