Be still, your beating heart. I’m a tester, of course I report bugs. But what about when I’m not being a tester, and I’m just a normal user? I can only remember four occasions when I’ve reported bugs to the people that could actually do anything about it, but I actually find […]
Category: Communication

Communicative Illusions – The Testing Community’s Affliction
TL;DR: Why do testers keep falling out with one another? Perhaps because of communicate illusions. A communicative illusion is like an optical illusion – a fixed thing that appears to change, be multiple things, or be something completely different. They are influenced by the actual words we use and how we use them, […]

MVP: Images Examined
One of the first discussions that caught my interest when I joined the Twitter testing community in April was around MVP. I’d seen a few people comment on the image below, that you’ve probably seen before, despairing that it’s still in circulation and being widely used as a visual aid to explain MVP. […]