When starting on a new project, it’s very common for me to be the first and / or only tester. I find myself frequently wanting to document the same things, rewriting them from scratch. To help with this, I’ve decided to include some of this documentation on my own blog, so I no longer […]
Category: Communication

Documentation: General Quality and Testing Concepts
When starting on a new project, it’s very common for me to be the first and / or only tester. I find myself frequently wanting to document the same things, rewriting them from scratch. To help with this, I’ve decided to include some of this documentation on my own blog, so I no longer […]

Why Are You Asking Me to Test?
I feel kind of bad for people who aren’t Quality Engineers, Testers, or whatever name you use for testing specialists. We talk about a whole team approach to quality and everyone on the team testing, but I can understand why this idea might be confusing to some. Programmers generally don’t ask other people to […]

There Is No “Manual vs Automated Testing” Conflict
I’m a little bit frustrated. Since Twitter died and I decided to start engaging on LinkedIn more, I keep seeing posts that perpetuate this idea of “manual” vs automated testing; us vs them. There is no versus. Your civil war is manufactured. There’s room for everyone and we all want the same thing: […]

The Five “I”s of Great Testing
What makes a great tester? A few discussions I’ve seen lately have gotten me thinking about this: What do testers do? How does an ISTQB-following tester compare to an “Agile” or “modern” tester? Is it a tester’s job to decide the severity and / or priority of a bug? Why do people use […]