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Cassandra HL's full width logo: "Always Be Curious"



Welcome to the personal blog of Cassandra H. Leung.


All views are my own, and do not reflect the views of my current or past employers, or anyone I have ever worked with, unless specifically stated, for example in the case of a guest post.


I write about topics relevant to testing, UX, and software production.  I also write about social issues and other things that are important to me and relevant to technology or society as a whole.


I’ve chosen the term “software production” over the more commonly used “software development”, as the latter implies that the creation of successful software is dependent only on developers.  In reality, a lot more people contribute to the successes and failures of software products and projects.


I hope you gain something from my posts and will share your thoughts with me by commenting on them, or reaching out on LinkedIn.  If you find my blogs interesting, please subscribe for updates about new posts.


Always Be Curious.